Australian Wheat

Australian Wheat

The following classes are classified for all zones:

Australian Hard (AH)
Australian Premium White (APW)
Australian Standard White (ASW)
Australian Premium Durum (ADR)
Australian Soft (ASFT)
Australian Standard Noodle Wheat (ANW)
Australian Feed (FEED)

Australian Premium White Noodle (APWN) is
classified in the WA zone only.

Australian Prime Hard (APH) is classified
for the Northern & South Eastern zone only.

These classes are split into three key categories:
Premium Hard Wheats, Multi-Purpose Wheats and
Specialty Wheats.

Premium Hard Wheats

Australian Prime Hard (APH)

A high protein milling wheat, comprising selected white, hard-grained wheat varieties. APH is ideally suited for high volume European breads, yellow alkaline noodles, fresh ramen noodles, dry noodles and wonton skins.

APH can also be blended with lower protein wheats to enhance flour quality. APH has traditionally been segregated in NSW and QLD and was expanded to southern NSW in the late 1990s.

Australian Hard (AH)

High and mid protein selected white-grained wheats, AH is ideal for European pan and hearth breads, Middle Eastern style flat breads, yellow alkaline noodles, dry white salted noodles and steamed products.

Australian Premium White (APW)

Mid protein hard white wheats, APW is ideal for the production of a variety of noodle types, including Hokkien, instant and fresh noodles, and Middle Eastern and sub-continental flat breads and Chinese steamed bread. APW wheat is also widely used as blending wheat in a range of baking processes internationally and is the mainstay of the domestic baking industry.

Multi-purpose Wheats

Australian Standard White (ASW)

ASW is a highly versatile medium to low-protein white wheat representing excellent value for straight milling or blending purposes. This multi-purpose wheat is used in the production of a wide range of products including Middle Eastern, sub-continental flat breads, European-style breads and rolls and Chinese steamed bread.

Mid protein hard white wheats, APW is ideal for the production of a variety of noodle types, including Hokkien, instant and fresh noodles, and Middle Eastern and sub-continental flat breads and Chinese steamed bread. APW wheat is also widely used as blending wheat in a range of baking processes internationally and is the mainstay of the domestic baking industry.

Speciality Wheats

Australian Premium Durum (ADR)

ADR is ideal for a wide range of wet and dry pasta products with excellent colour and shelf life and is also used in the production of North African and Middle Eastern products such as couscous, hearth and flat breads.

Australian Soft (ASFT)

ASFT produced on the east coast is principally used domestically for biscuit making and cake production where the traditional quality requirements are low protein content, low water absorption, low dough strength and over-extensibility for the protein content. ASFT produced on the west coast however, is used primarily in export markets for a range of Asian steamed products. For these products the domestic biscuit specifications are less relevant, with white, bright and speck-free flour being of much greater significance.

Australian Noodle (ANW)

Varieties in this class are particularly suited to the manufacture of the Japanese Udon-style noodle. For Udon manufacture, flours are generally milled to a patent flour extraction to produce a maximum ash level of 0.36 – 0.40% with minimal bran contamination, as bran specks result in a visually unappealing final product. Whilst being produced largely in WA, ANW is also segregated in the eastern states.

Australian Premium Noodle (APWN)

APWN is mainly used in an export blend with ANW for a range of white salted and instant noodle types in specific Asian markets but its inherent processing characteristics are fully compatible with those of APW. APWN is currently grown only in WA.[/text_block]

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